Now showing items 2310-2329 of 2405

    • SWOT Analysis of NRB Commercial Bank Limited 

      Abdullah, Nafisa (2019-09-29)
      A Bank is a financial institution which earns interest through the trade of cash and credit instruments. This bank’s main target is to be the best among the other multinational banks, be the most innovative bank by using ...
    • SWOT analysis of PMTech Consulting Bangladesh 

      Moni, Parosh (2019-04-24)
      PMTech Consulting Bangladesh, begin their business in Bangladesh on 2018. They are committed about serving superb service in Global Educational training. PMTech Consulting Bangladesh is performing very well and they are ...
    • SWOT analysis of Rimi International 

      Jawad, Syed Nafis (2023-10-10)
      This report conducts a SWOT analysis of Rimi International Co. Ltd., a Japanese company specialising in exporting used vehicles and spare parts worldwide. It highlights the importance of assessing internal and external ...
    • SWOT Analysis of Rupali Bank Ltd. 

      Munsur, Masruf (2019-06-17)
      Banking is one of the sectors in which the prosperity of a country depends on. The banking sector in Bangladesh is huge and many skilled workers are working in this sector. I have prepared this report from my internship ...
    • SWOT Analysis of Saic Group 

      Rahman, Md. Mahfujur (2023-01-18)
      The internship report has been finished a component of the need for completing my Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. This report is based on my practical work experience as an intern in the Human Resources ...
    • SWOT Analysis of the Department SCPD (Social Compliance and Producer Development) of Aarong 

      Haider, Syeda Tasnima (2021-05-25)
      Aarong extended its support to rural artisans by investing in their handicrafts for many years into its operations as one of Bangladesh's largest fashion retail chains under the umbrella of one of the world's largest ...
    • SYSTEMIC RISK:An in-depth look 

      Ahashan, Abir (2019-04-24)
      Systemic risk now a major headache for financial economists results in a cascading effect of failure. The elusive nature of the risk makes it difficult to identify risk sources and thus counter the risk. However, many ...
    • The tale on innovation and growth 

      Rahman, Mir Obaidur (United International University, 2017-12-13)
      Whenever we see the word innovation, we instantly recall Joseph Schumpeter who popularized the word in economics through his business cycle theory. Joseph Schumpeter explained the fluctuations of economic output through ...
    • Talent Acquisition & Selection Process of GPH Ispat Ltd. 

      Tarannum, Tasnima (2023-07)
      The study examines the recruitment and selection of employees within the framework of GPH Ispat Ltd, a prestigious manufacturer. The two major objectives of this academic internship report are to complete a prerequisite ...
    • Talent acquisition and retention strategy of Kazi Firm Ltd. 

      Islam, Marazul (United International University, 2024-09-22)
      Kazi Farms Limited, a leading FMCG and agriculture business in Bangladesh, faces challenges in finding qualified blue-collar workers due to the country's expanding economy and agriculture sector. To ensure a competent ...
    • Talent acquisition and talent management practices at Akij Resources Ltd. 

      Rahman, Mehreen (United International University, 2022-06-28)
      This report is the outcome of my three months internship program at Akij Resources Limited, Head Office. Throughout these three months, I have gained a lot of practical knowledge about corporate world besides Human Resource ...
    • Talent acquisition of ARLA Foods BD Ltd 

      Nasreen, Nusrat (United International University, 2023-06-25)
      Talent Acquisition is an essential part for any effective & profitable business. Any successful business must invest in talent acquisition. In today’s business world, innovative recruitment practice is increasingly being ...
    • Talent Acquisition Procedures of Pickme Ltd. 

      Ferdous, Jannatul (2019-08-26)
      Piickme Ltd is fully a Bangladeshi Transportation technology company which provide several E-Commerce & other Services of Bangladesh and Established in 2018. The form of the report is used to identify how theories and ...
    • Talent Management and Its Implications on Firm’s Productivity 

      Chowdhury, Shihab (2020-02-23)
      It was a great opportunity for me to work in this project and find out real insights regarding Talent Management prospects in our country. To do my research, I have selected Banking sector of Bangladesh as my focus, ...
    • Talent Management Process Applied by Linde Bangladesh Limited 

      Mahal, Hamida Mowlud (2019-12-07)
      Talent management refers to recognize a person's innate ability, personality & offering him a correct job. This is a greeting to both the company and the employees. Salute the company to increase productivity and efficiency; ...
    • Talent Management Project Applied By Linde Bangladesh Ltd 

      Tasnuva, Humaira (United International University, 2019-01-26)
      To recognize a human inherent skills, traits and temperament talent management implies in a very proficient so that it may provide an identical job to an employee. Both the organization and workers feel that this is very ...
    • Talent Management: A Source of Competitive Advantage 

      Rahman, Md. Ashikur (UIU, 2024-01-05)
      Talent Management is a combined process of planning, recruiting and selection, orientation of new employees, training and development, evaluation of employee performance and compensating the employees. The practice of ...
    • Tax evasion: An Exercise with Principal Agent Model 

      Orin, Fannana Rafi (2018-01-29)
      This paper defines the concept of tax evasion, catalogues the various factors affecting the tax evasion and outlines a feasible solution of it. People are evading taxes mainly because of the tax burden, tax limitations and ...
    • Testing the weak form of stock market efficiency at Dhaka Stock Exchange of Bangladesh 

      Pushpita, Romana (uiu, 2019-09-11)
      This paper attempts to examine whether DSE, an emerging and less developed market, is efficient in weak-form or not. In order to do that, this paper employs daily share closing price index of DSEX (DSE Broad Index) for the ...
    • Thesis on Social Media Marketing Effectiveness 

      Rahman, ASM Mukitur; Kabir, Ahmed Imran (2021-04-23)
      My study focused on a new subject that highlighted the importance of delving deeper into the psychosomatic and societal factors that influence the minds of those who are influenced by goods. My research subject, "Effectiveness ...