Browsing School of Business and Economics (SoBE) by Title
Now showing items 1192-1211 of 2504
Identifying Marketing Challenges of Consumer Knitex
(2018-09-18)Compagnie Mauricienne de Textile Ltée (CMT) established in 1986 in Mauritius. Consumer Knitex is a sister concern of CMT. The mission Statement of the company is “From where we come… to where we’re going”. We strive to be ... -
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Future Marketing
(2024-10-29)Using a quantitative approach, this study investigates how artificial intelligence (AI) will impact marketing in Bangladesh in the future. Examining the existing use of AI in marketing and highlighting both its potential ... -
The Impact of BPMS implementation on Business Process (Management) Maturity
(2021-04-07)This thesis paper report on The Impact of BPMS implementation on Business Process (Management) Maturity. This report base on business process management maturity. It’s a process where a system has automated the whole process ... -
The Impact of Brand Authenticity and Perceived Uniqueness on Brand Trust: A Study on Mobile Phone Services Providers in Bangladesh
(2019-12-12)This project report deals with the marketing research that primarily intends to measure The Impact of Brand Authenticity and Perceived Uniqueness on Brand trust. The study was conducted in the context of Mobile Phone ... -
The Impact of Brand Authenticity on Brand Equity: A Study on Mobile Telecommunication Services in Bangladesh
(2019-11-30)The main topic of this report is to measure the influence of Brand Authenticity (BA) on Brand Loyalty (BL) and Overall Brand Equity (OBE) in the context of mobile telecommunication services in Bangladesh. In this report, ... -
Impact of Brand consciousness, Perceive quality, Emotional value, and Perceived Product Price on Soft drink choice
(United International University, 2018-06-26)The main objective of this research paper is to identify the effects of branding on consumer purchase decision which focus on soft drinks industry in Bangladesh. The whole research has been done based on the consumer ... -
The Impact of Brand Experience and Brand Trust on Brand Loyalty: A Study on Carbonated Soft Drinks Industry in Bangladesh
(2024-09-21)The report explores the relationships between brand trust, satisfaction, and loyalty within the carbonated soft drinks (CSDs) industry. Satisfaction, in the context of CSD, is described as the overall positive experience ... -
The Impact of Brand Loyalty and Perceived Quality on Brand Equity: A Study on Selected Brands of Smartphone Handsets
(2021-08-08)The study primarily intends to measure the impact of brand loyalty and perceived quality on the brand equity. The study specifically intended to measure such impact in the context of smartphone industry focusing on three ... -
The Impact of Brand Reliability and Brand Intention on Brand Loyalty, Brand Equity, and Overall Customer Satisfaction: A Study on Mobile Telecommunication Service Industry of Bangladesh
(2019-05-05)The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of brand reliability and brand intention on brand loyalty, brand equity, and overall satisfaction in the context of mobile telecommunication services of Bangladesh. ... -
The Impact of Brand Reliability and Brand Intention on Brand Loyalty: A Study on Selected Mobile Phone Service Operators in Bangladesh
(2019-01-22)The project in hand intends to examine the impact of brand reliability and brand intention on brand loyalty. The context of this examination was the mobile telecommunication services in Bangladesh. Here four mobile ... -
The Impact of Brand Trust on Brand Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty: A Study on Selected Television Brands in Bangladesh
(2019-11-16)The study is conducted to analyze the impact of Brand Trust and the impacts of it on the Brand Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty and overall brand equity. Such impacts were examined in the context of Television industry including ... -
(uiu, 2019-06-25)This report provides information about the impact of capital structure on the financial performance of the firms. For this purpose, 30 listed companies of Dhaka stock exchange under textile industry was selected to represent ... -
Impact of Cash Subsidy on the RMG Sector of Bangladesh
(2021-11-23)This internship report titled “Impact of Cash Subsidy on the RMG Sector of Bangladesh” is completed based on the experience gained through working as an intern for 3 months in Howlader Yunus & Co. Chartered Accountants. ... -
Impact of COVID 19 on HR Operations in Banking Sector of Bangladesh
(United International University, 2022-02-07)The purpose of this study is to learn about a well-structured HRM process and practices on HR Acquisition, Training & Development and Employees’ Work life Balances which are critical for any company in today's changing ... -
The Impact of COVID 19 on Recruitment and Selection Process in Banking Industry of Bangladesh: A Study on United Commercial Bank Limited
(United International University, 2022-02)The internship report has been prepared as a partial prerequisite for the completion of my degree entitled “Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)”. While working as an intern at United Commercial Bank Limited, I gained ... -
Impact of COVID – 19 on Bank performance (a case study from Pubali Bank Limited)
(2021-11-07)Banking sector is an essential part of Bangladesh which is essential to run the economy smoothly in order to sustain as well. Pubali Bank Limited is one of the largest private commercial banks in Bangladesh. Aim of this ... -
(2021-03-11)COVID 19, that occurs due to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS, COV-2) is spreading at a faster rate beyond imagination and the number of infected people in densely populated country is growing rapidly (Dashraath et ... -
Impact of Covid-19 on Agent Banking Performance
(2022-06-28)Nowadays, agent banking is a great opportunity for the banks to provide banking and financial services to the people. Banks now provide services to the clients through the agent banking which is performed by the third ... -
“The Impact of COVID-19 on Human Resource activities of the Banking sector of Bangladesh”
(United International University, 2022-03-20)This report includes how the banking sector of Bangladesh is running its human resources-related operation (Hiring, recruiting, and job satisfaction) during COVID-19. All of the HRM activities have taken from Southeast ... -
Impact of COVID-19 on Human Resource Management Practices of FMCG Industry in Bangladesh
(United International University, 2021-01-30)This project report provides a detailed discussion about the impacts of Covid-19 virus on the Human Resources Management practices of FMCG industry. FMCG industry is one of the fastest growing segments of the market. ...