Impact of COVID 19 on HR Operations in Banking Sector of Bangladesh
The purpose of this study is to learn about a well-structured HRM process and practices on HR Acquisition, Training & Development and Employees’ Work life Balances which are critical for any company in today's changing business climate. And for the study, I have selected two reputed private banks of Bangladesh which are Social Islami Bank Limited (SIBL) and National Credit & Commercial Bank Limited (NCCBL). By taking interview from HR manager, employees of SIBL and NCCBL, I look forward to learning about the two reputed organizations' Human resource planning, Recruitment & Selection processes, Training Process as well as challenges of HR operations, changes of Recruitment and Selection Process, challenges on providing training facilities to their employees and also the employees’ work life balances during the pandemic situation of COVID 19. A standard HRM process establishes and provides particular suggestions for HR policies and practices with the objective of maintaining quality management system and sustaining any business's recognized standards of operation.
Both two banks are private banks and although their basic HR planning & organizing, recruitment and selection process, training process are similar but the banks have some distinct features flourishing on their HR practices, which have been described in analysis and findings chapter on this report.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic situation, the HR managers of SIBL and NCCBL bank both bank have been facing many challenges in practicing of HR activities like Managing Work life balances of bank employees, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Managing Remote work & providing remote working tools and trainings and employee engagement etc. In terms of the recruitment and selection process and providing training facilities to their employees both banks have made some changes on it. All these factors and issues have been studied on this report. And lastly, according to the analysis and findings part, I have provided some of the recommendations on my project report.
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