Browsing School of Business and Economics (SoBE) by Title
Now showing items 2092-2111 of 2504
Quality assurance and Audit procedure of ACNABIN Chartered Accountants
(2020-12-11)This report “Quality Assurance and Audit Procedure of ACNABIN Chartered Accountants” has been written based on 12 weeks of working experience as an intern in ACNABIN Chartered Accountants. An internship program is a process ... -
Quality Assurance of Biman Bangladesh and US bangla airlines
(2018-10-22)Nowadays Air transportation is very popular mode of transportation. For air transportation we can easily move from one corner to another corner around the world. Now many airlines exist in our country to provide service ... -
(United International University, 2018-12-26)From the moment when I have chosen “Finance” as my major course, I have severe attraction to the capital market. To complete the BBA program at United International University, it is a requisite for a student of a BBA ... -
“Quality measurement of Insurance Industry”
(2020-10-17)In the world full of financial risks and unexpected crisis, individuals always want to protect their assets, properties and other financial assets. Thus, insurance policy is introduced to secure the tangible and intangible ... -
Quality of corporate governance andi mpact on Financial performance of IPDC Finance Limited
(2018-06-10)Corporate Governance is like blood in corporate law perspective. In this study, tried to find how much corporate governance influences company’s financial performance directly and indirectly. After statistical analysis ... -
Quality of Sustainable Corporate Reporting: An Evidence from Bangladesh
(2018-04-10)The main purpose of this paper is to know the current practices of sustainability reporting in the different public listed companies in Bangladesh according to GRI guideline and prescribe some advices for the concerned ... -
Raising Awareness on Necessity of Consuming Milk Daily Through Branding Activations
(2022-06-19)For the past 131 years, Arla Foods, the world's fourth largest dairy product producer, has been the main dairy goods company in Scandinavia. Furthermore, Arla's purpose with the slogan "near to nature" is to ensure the ... -
Ranges of Services and Service Processing in Commercial Banks: A Case Study on Prime Bank Limited
(2018-09-26)After studying various theoretical concepts during the various courses of my BBA program majoring in Marketing, United international University, understanding the realistic implications and applications is the next step ... -
Ratio Analysis Of Prime Bank Limited
(United International University, 2020-02-24)This report is prepared based on financial performance analysis of Prime Bank Limited. The main objective of the report is to analyze and discuss the financial performance analysis of Prime Bank Limited. To calculate ... -
Ratio Analysis for Measuring Overall Performance of Five DSE listed PCBs
(United International University, 2020-02-29)This Paper has shown the comparative performance evaluation of five listed private commercial banks in DSE and an analysis of board attributes, board size, and ownership. Financial ratios have been employed to measure the ... -
Rationality versus Irrationality
(Daily sun, 2017-04-05)Any introductory textbook on economics always starts with the fundamental assumption of rationality. The rationality axiom guarantees that given scarce resources, a consumer always tries to maximise utility. The ... -
Readymade Garments in transition Economy: A case study from CMT Bangladesh Company
(2019-08-27)This report is a study to observe the correlation between Correlations between CMT Bangladesh as a readymade garments company on the transition of the economy of Bangladesh from LDC to Developing country. The United Nations ... -
Real Estate Marketing: A Study on Purbachal Famaq City
(2019-09-05)When I started the course of Marketing I learned about the Marketing and Sales activities. By preparing this report I have learned about marketing & sales process in an organization (Famaq Group) & their advertisement ... -
Recruitment & Selection parameters followed & applied by Acme Laboratories Ltd
(United International University, 2018-06-24)This report has been set up to satisfy the prerequisite for getting BBA degree. This report is the result of my examination about “Recruitment & Selection parameters followed & applied by “Acme Laboratories Ltd” Different ... -
Recruitment & Selection Practices of Deepto Television (KML)
(United International University, 2018-09-01)This is temporary internship job report in view of the three months’ time frame entry level position program that I had effectively finished in Deepto Television under Human Resource Departments from 22.01.2018 to 22.04.2018 ... -
Recruitment & Selection Process Of Acorn Infrastructure Services Limited- Bangla Trac
(2021)My report narrates the Recruitment and Selection process of Acorn Infrastructure Services Limited- Bangla Trac that is one of the private organizations. During this study, I have gained some practical knowledge of Recruitment ... -
Recruitment & Selection process of Independent Technology Ltd.
(United International University, 2019-10-29)Man power is really important for the success of any organization. Recruitment attracts qualified and competent people and ensures that they stay with the organization for a long time and also creates a diversified workforce ... -
Recruitment & Selection Process of Top of Mind
(2024-09-29)A comprehensive report on the recruitment and selection process of Top of Mind Advertising agency, one of the leading advertising agencies in Bangladesh. The research looks at each phase from identification of the vacancy ... -
Recruitment & Selection process of WALTON GROUP
(United International University, 2019-05-06)Since it forms part of the BBA Program’s educational requirements, I have been assigned to complete the internship report on "recruitment and selection process of WALTON GROUP," in accordance with a guideline. Recruitment ...