SME Services of BRAC Bank Limited
This report is ready as a prerequisite for the effective completion of my internship program at BRAC Bank Limited (Head Office). This report contains seven major parts. In the first part, I want to represent the whole journey to accomplish this report. In the second part, I want to describe the overview of the bank, where I try to present the history of the BRAC Bank, mission, vision, objective, the meaning of BRAC Bank’s logo and slogan. In this second part, I also try to give a summary of every department’s responsibility and activities. What I have learned from this three months internship period, it is also included here. In the third part, I try to represent a success story of an entrepreneur. I have discussed regarding all kinds of SME products, facility and criteria in the fourth part, which is basically the main topic of this report. The fifth part is quite interesting, where I discussed marketing aspect of this bank and here I also give my opinion regarding the market and strategic issue. The last and final part is about from this three months internship, what shortage I found and my own opinion to mitigate that particular shortage and conclusion.
- General [1326]