Browsing Marketing by Title
Now showing items 141-160 of 303
Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Decisions from Supermarkets in Bangladesh
(2024-01-24)This study examines the complex areas of consumer buying patterns in Bangladesh's supermarket sector. Retail industry stakeholders can obtain important insights to improve marketing strategies, customer experiences, and ... -
Factors influencing customers buying behavior – A study on RFL-Best Buy Ltd.
(United International University, 2018-10-03)Customer buying behavior is the decision process and acts of people involved in buying and using products. This report explores how different variables impact on customer buying behavior. Demographic variables including ... -
Factors Influencing Laptop Buying Behaviour among Consumers in Dhaka City
(United International University, 2020-07-22)Purchasing a new laptop is not an easy task and with so many brands and hardware available, it can be a sad experience to choose one that fits our needs. There are so many choices that it’s hard to decide. Technology is ... -
Financial Performance Analysis of Grameen Bank
(2019-05-29)The report is based on Financial Performance Analysis of GRAMEEN BANK. In this report, findings are based on fundamental analysis where I have analyzed liquidity ratio, activity ratio, leverage or debt ratio, profitability ... -
Food Adulteration & Health Hazards In Bangladesh
(2020-06-17)This project report is prerequisite to complete the bachelor program of United International University. In this report there is a clear scenario of food adulteration in Bangladesh, this is the problem of past and also ... -
Food Adulteration & Health Hazards In Bangladesh
(2019-01-26)This report was prepared as a requirement of United International University's BBA program. This report will give a clear idea of the adulteration of food. The adulteration of food is mainly inferior in the quality of food, ... -
Food Adulteration and Consumer Challenges in Bangladesh
(2023-06-22)There is a big challenge in Bangladesh in putting a stop to the adulteration of food products. The customer is the most important member of economic society and the center of all activities conducted by businesses. The ... -
Food Safety Comparison between Developed (GERMANY) and Developing (BANGLADESH) Countries
(2019-02-09)Food is an important source of having good health as well as spreading out foodborne illnesses in the whole world. Almost all the countries in the world must face food safety issues at some point, starting with under-developed ... -
Function of Printing Industry: The Case of
(2019-02-12)The main purpose of the printing industry is to pass a customer's information to its target public on any type of printed material, whether it's a journal, manual, book, advertisement, directory, or goods packaging. ... -
The Functions of General Banking and the Marketing Implementations of Mutual Trust Bank Limited
(United International University, 2019-09-14)The internship is an attempt to know how they theoretical knowledge that I have gathered from my courses, can be applied to a practical situation. As a student of the Bachelor in Business Administration program of School ... -
The Future of Restaurant Marketing in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Consumer Attitudes toward Techno-Marketing
(2024-12-30)The study, titled "The Future of Restaurant Marketing in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Consumer Attitudes toward Techno-Marketing," analyzes digital technology' innovative influence on the restaurant business. Restaurants are ... -
(2018)I have prepared this report based on the twelve week Internship Program which I have successfully completed from Sonali Bank Limited, Malibagh Branch. I started my Internship from to24th December, 2018 which is a requirement ... -
General Banking Activities and Market Development Initiative” of the Premier Bank Limited
(2018)In the last term of final year of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) course, I was sent to Premier Bank Limited to have a practical exposure on banking activities under the program “Activity on General banking of ... -
General Banking Activities and Market Development Practices by the Dhaka Limited (A hands-on practice through the Mirpur Branch)
(2019-05-06)I have done my internship mostly in the general banking sector and thus made this report on general banking activities of Dhaka Bank Limited. For my internship I chose to do it in Dhaka Bank, Mirpur branch. I worked as an ... -
General Banking Activities and Market Development Practices by the Jamuna Bank Limited: A hands on Practice through the Ring Road Branch.
(2019)In this report, detail discussion about the Jamuna Bank. Elaborately discuss about processes, policy, rules and regulations, all programs. The working environment of bank is positive and employees are motivated to work ... -
General Banking Activities and Market Development Practices by the National Bank Limited: A hands-on practice through the Dilkhusha Branch
(2019-07-14)In recent years banks have diversified their services by creating new subsidiaries that perform additional services or by merging with other types of financial institutions. National Bank Ltd. was established as a banking ... -
General Banking Activities and Market Development practise by the Janata Bank Limited: A hands-on initiative through the Dilkusha Branch
(2019-05-21)As a component of the course pamphlet, everyone student of the Bachelors of Business Administration of United International university has to get done a project or internship activity, which is to arranging an internship ... -
General Banking Activities of Janata Bank Ltd.
(2019-11-11)In this report, I have tried to show numerous general activities of Janata Bank limited and tried to find the lacking among the activities. I have also shown the impact of these activities on the bank's profitability. ... -
General Banking Performance of Sonali Bank Limited-A Case Study on Mohammadpur Krishi Market Branch
(2019-04-09)Sonali Bank Limited (SBL) was established in 1972 under the Bangladesh Banks (Nationalization) Order, through the amalgamation and nationalization of the branches of National Bank of Pakistan, Bank of Bahawalpur and ...