Food Safety Comparison between Developed (GERMANY) and Developing (BANGLADESH) Countries
Food is an important source of having good health as well as spreading out foodborne illnesses in the whole world. Almost all the countries in the world must face food safety issues at some point, starting with under-developed to developed countries. Food safety is a big challenge in the entire world for maintaining better health. Bangladesh (developing) and Germany (developed) are not exceptions in this regard. Food safety means carefully storing, preparing and managing food in a specific manner that stops the foodborne illness from spreading out in an immense way. The reason of food infections and unsafe consumption of foods are caused by food contamination, using unhygienic food ingredients and the most common reason can be maintaining unhealthy diets. Consumption of adulterated food can be a life-threatening issue which can cause foodborne illnesses like Diarrhea, Cholera, and Typhoid, which are common in Bangladesh. The most foodborne disease outbreaks in Germany are Campylobacter, Salmonella and Escherichia Coli. In Germany, food safety is ensured by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). In Bangladesh, food safety is ensured by the Ministry of Food and Bangladesh Food Safety Authority. There is still a lot of malnutrition problems arising in Bangladesh due to the increasing population. Every year people are dying due to food adulteration in Bangladesh. So, food control is still inefficient in Bangladesh and people are still unaware of food health knowledge. By following some necessary steps and promoting new ideas from developed countries about how they are maintaining food safety in their own countries, can be effective for the food quality improvement of Bangladesh.
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