Financial Performance Analysis of Grameen Bank
The report is based on Financial Performance Analysis of GRAMEEN BANK. In this report, findings are based on fundamental analysis where I have analyzed liquidity ratio, activity ratio, leverage or debt ratio, profitability ratio, and so on. In this report, I have examined the financial performance of GRAMEEN BANK Limited from 2013 to 2017. The essential functions of a bank are trusted into two segments called deposit and loans. The principal objective of a bank is to collect the deposit from the surplus portion and supply the accumulated fund to the deficit portion. Therefore, in the case of deposit collection, I have found that they have done a magnificent job compare to the existing the entire private and government bank in Bangladesh. They collected 208,022 million taka as deposit in 2017, and it has been growing day by day. But unfortunately, collection of the deposit is only one variable of financial performance. They need to perform other variables as well, and they need to utilize that deposit amount that they have collected and granted the loan to the customer so that they can generate income which is the ultimate goal or performance of any business organization. So, to generate revenue and maximize shareholder wealth, they need to grant the loan and make a significant amount of money out of it. Moreover, their performance was well in some areas which I have mentioned previously and have discussed detailed in this report and some areas their performance was poor, which also said in this report. Finally, I hope that they will perform well for the upcoming year.
- Marketing [303]