Now showing items 521-540 of 1293

    • General banking activities of Social Islamic Bank Limited 

      Unknown author (United International University, 2021-02-18)
      This report is mainly on Analysis of General Banking department of Social Islamic Bank. It was quite difficult for me to evaluate the overall organization within this short span of time. Moreover, all the branch activities ...
    • General Banking Activities of South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce Bank 

      Rahman, Nusrat (2020-10-21)
      Modern banking represents a large scale variety of financial prospective, which includes credit, reserves, and payments and accomplishes the outspread formation of financial activities of any business institution. Bank may ...
    • General Banking Activities of Southeast Bank Limited 

      Nasser, Nisfa (2018-06)
      The internship report on General Banking: A look from Southeast Bank Ltd. as required by the supervisor Mohammad Amzad Hossain, Assistant Professor of School of Business & Economics of United International University. The ...
    • General Banking Activities of Southeast Bank Limited 

      Binte Jahir, Tasnim Rayda (2019-02-11)
      For every bank general banking area plays significant role. I have obtained knowledge on General Banking procedures by getting chance as an intern in SEBL. I have worked there for three months as a prerequisite of internship ...
    • General Banking Activities of the City Bank Limited 

      Wafy, Nafia Naushin (2018-11-26)
      To complete my internship program for Bachelors of Business Administration course I experienced a wonderful working environment for a period of three months in the city bank , Kawran Bazar branch , starting on ...
    • General banking activities of the city bank limited 

      Aziz, Lamia (2019-01-08)
      The internship report on general banking Procedure: A view from the City Bank Limited as mandatory by the Supervisor Mohammad Amzad Hossain, Assistant Professor- AIS, Department of BBA, United International University. The ...
    • General Banking Activities of Uttara Bank Limited A STUDY ON SATMASJID ROAD BRANCH 

      Akter, Marufa (United International University, 2019-01-22)
      Uttara Bank LTD was set up in 1965. It was built up under the name of "Eastern Banking Corporation Limited" with the explicit target of quickening exchange and interest in the financially discouraged eastern wing of the ...
    • General banking activities, Services and challenges during the pandemic situation of Southeast Bank Limited. 

      Rahman, Arshadur (2021)
      A bank may be a money-related institution that brings together financial specialists and borrowers for giving/receiving flood and setback stores individually. The objective of a bank is to form an advantage while acting ...
    • General Banking and CSR Activities of Shahjalal Islamic Bank Limited 

      Gomes, Shanto Leonard (2021-12-17)
      This report is based on the Shahjalal Islamic Bank Limited's "General Banking and CSR Activities." It is the outcome of a three-month internship at Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited, Eskaton Branch, as mandated by faculty and ...
    • General Banking Features of a Private Commercial Bank: A case study of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. 

      Tabassum, Anika (2021-01-23)
      This report is a pre-requirement for the competition of BBA course, to get knowledge of practical banking activities. I have done my internship in Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. Dhanmondi Branch. Banking is now more valuable ...
    • General Banking in Bank Asia Ltd 

      Tabassum, Laiba (uiu, 2019-01-20)
      In this report the “General Banking” aspect of a bank has been explained. In every bank, there are three major areas and they are general banking, foreign remittance, and credit department. In this report, the four major ...
    • General Banking of Al Arafah Islami Bank Limited 

      Hasan, Mehedi (United International University, 2021-02-04)
      Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited is a commercial bank founded by Bangladesh Bank Limited. It has a broad range of functional activities but in this report, I have covered only the General Banking activities of this bank ...
    • General Banking of Dhaka Bank Limited 

      Chowdhury, Fatema (2022-02-26)
      The impermanent work report is started as an inadequate fulfillment of the solitary individual of business association (BBA) program of United International University. The going with brief work report relies upon useful ...
    • General Banking of Dhaka Bank Limited Bhulta Branch 

      Rabbi, Hossain Jawad (2019-11-02)
      I have completed my This report has intended to feature to measure the customer perception of Debit Card Services of Dhaka Bank Limited and the resulting satisfaction. The DBL is one of the main private commercial banks ...
    • General Banking of Dutch Bangla Bank Limited 

      Mohiuddin, Protiva (2019-05)
      The internship report is originated as a partial fulfillment of the bachelor of business administration (BBA) program of United International University. The following internship report is based on practical experience, ...
    • General Banking of Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. 

      Shifa, Shaneeta Rahman; Shifa, Shaneeta Rahman (2018-12-10)
      The main objective of the report is to present the general banking activities of Butch Bangla Bank Limited, Panthapath Branch. In this internship report, the details of general banking activities of Dutch Bangla Bank Limited ...
    • General banking of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. 

      Ahmed, Fatima (2019-12-10)
      This report is prepared as requirement of the internship of BBA program of United International University. This report focuses Three months working experiences in Postogola Branch, FIRST SECUIRITY ISLAMI BANK LIMITED. ...
    • General Banking Operation and Account Opening: A case study on Jamuna Bank Ltd. 

      Nasir, Sanjida (2018-12-13)
      In practical life internship is related to organization work skill. This skill is an efficient tool to associate the academic knowledge. For this sense, internship is most important for a business bachelor. For financial ...
    • General Banking Operation in CBL 

      Mumtaha, Tasmia (2018-06-27)
      The City Bank Limited, a FIRST era private commercial bank of the nation, was set up on 28 March 1983. The fundamental exercises of City Bank are Commercial Banking, Corporate Banking Retail Banking and Islamic Banking. ...
    • General Banking Operation in SBL 

      Mahajabeen, Sadia (2019-01-06)
      For every bank general banking area is the center of it. This area brings a large portion of the benefit of a bank. The essential target of this report is to assess the general banking practices of Standard Bank Ltd. This ...