General Banking & Customer Satisfaction of SHAHJALAL ISLAMI BANK LTD
When it has practical application in real life, any academic course of the study has a great value. Unless it is applicable in practical life, only theoretical knowledge will be little important. So we need proper application of our knowledge to get some benefit from our theoretical knowledge to make it more fruitful. When we engage in this field to make proper use of ourselves, then we come to know about the benefit of theoretical knowledge of our knowledge only in our practical life.
This research is on a Ganeral Banking & customer Satisfaction of Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd, Pragati Sarani Branch.
The Progati Sarani branch is one of Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd profitable branches. The level of satisfaction of this branch's customers is high and the perception of customers in terms of service quality is higher than their expectations. This means that this branch's workers are very responsive and reliable. For the improvement or upgrade of such a crucial service, certain effective steps should be taken. The bank should enhance its customer service to gain significant market share, and they will also have to make a lot of marketing program attempts. Because of the majority of clients are unaware of the facilities provided by Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd.
The report was made up of 05 (Five) chapters. The introduction of the bank, general banking, client satisfaction, findings, and recommendations and so on were discussed in this report.
- General [1380]