Human Resource Practices of the City Bank Limited
The City Bank Limited is a well-known private business bank that is working efficiently in the Bangladesh banking industry. City bank is putting forth an exceptionally customized and amicable client benefit. They examine what contemporary needs of the client and offer the administrations that best suit to them.
After completion of twelve semester of BBA program of department of Business Administration, United International University, I have completed my internship in the City Bank limited, one of the largest and renown commercial bank in Bangladesh. The objective was to analyze the human resource practices of city bank, how they deal with their customer, customer’s satisfaction level, the bank’s capability to recover load during stipulated time and the management efficiency.
The key purpose of the report has been to generate a practical understanding of the human resource practices of City Bank LTD. This report has been divided into five different chapters which I have learned and observed during my whole internship period.
Chapter one is based on the introduction which includes topics like importance of banking in Bangladesh, banking industry of Bangladesh, origin of the report, objectives of the report, methodology and limitation of the study.
Chapter two states a brief background of the banking industry and about City Bank limited. It also includes the overall banking activities, and operational processes. The product and service description also portrait in this chapter.
Chapter three is all about the theoretical analyses of City Bank Limited. This chapter includes theoretical overview of over all human resource management and its objectives. In this chapter I tried to focus on overall HRM practices of the City bank limited, it’s HR departmental activities and employee’s behavior and outcomes regarding this.
Chapter four portraits the analysis of the questionnaire and interpretation of each result which I have surveyed on the employees of CBL. This chapter also includes the major findings.
Finally, chapter five signifies the recommendation and summaries the study by giving conclusion.
- HRM [139]