A Study on Employees' Perception Regarding the Human Resource Management Division in the Banking Sector of Bangladesh
The banking sector in Bangladesh represents one of the fastest growing and prospective sectors in the economy of the country. The banking industry has grown and developed during the last two decades and most of the banks in the country are trying to provide integrated financial services to their potential customers. The main objective of the study is to know the perception/views of employees regarding human resource divisions issue such as communication of policies and procedures to employees, efficiencies of the HRM division in handling employee grievances and concerns, promotion a fair and inclusive workplace culture, perception on Training and Development issues, perception on Performance Appraisal. Etc. Based on the kind of information required, it opted for a research strategy which provided the best quality of information. Hence, the author had to choose Descriptive Research design to carry on this research. But considering the time and cost constraints, it has selected five banks from the population of the study, three private and two public. The employee feedback was mixed as for different issues. HRM division communicate their policy and procedures to their employee effectively. Along with that HRM division is doing well in handling employee grievances and concerns. About the workplace culture in banking sector promote by the HRM division has some lacking. In case of selection and recruitment practice the employees have shown a mixed observation. But in case of asking HRM division’s fair compensation and benefit policy, most of the employee has shown a positive intent, meaning that they are well paid and are well aware of that. Training and development issues is directly related to the HRM division and all the banks are giving quite number of training and development to their employee and most of them marked those as effective for them. Response on satisfaction with the performance appraisal process conducted by the HRM division is somewhat negative as most of the banks remain private about this concern as per employee perspective. Since the study on 'Employees' perception regarding HRM division in the banking sector in Bangladesh' is based on spontaneous responses and opinions, it is likely that the findings are a reflection of reality. However, due to constraints, this research could not be conducted on all the commercial banks operating in Bangladesh. Thus, the findings of this study can be deemed to be a representative view instead of a universal view.
- HRM [139]