HRM Practices of Smartifier Academy and the changes during Pandemic
This project report is the representation of HRM functions in pandemic situation of a startup named Smartifier Academy. The report sheds light on how the HRM evolved along with the attack of pandemic in this growing training and consultancy organization. This report showcases the functional areas of work, product, services and its changes to protect the reputation of the organization while continuing their service in the knowledge field. The methodology of collecting data from the recognized sources has worked in its authenticity improvement. The journey of Smartifier Academy in the HRM field is shown here by pointing out the Human Resource Planning (HRP), Recruitment and Selection, Training and Motivation, Performance Management, Compensation and Rewards, Industrial Relations, Employee Health and Safety Measures, and Employee Record Keeping in Smartifier Academy. The report also shows the practical changes due to the pandemic in particular field signifying the output of its’ action on HRM field. Later on, the analysis of the interviews and findings with strength, weakness, opportunity, threat (SWOT) are presented with the HR impact on its profitability in the organization. Finally, the report concludes with a hope and view of recommendation for the upcoming success of the organization.
- HRM [139]