The Human Resource practice of AB Bank Ltd., Al Arafah Islamic Bank Ltd. and Prime Bank Ltd.
The project report was on "The Human Resource Practice of AB Bank Limited, Al Arafah Islamic Bank Limited and Prime Bank Limited" was assigned by the honorable supervisor Ishrat Sultana and approved by the UIU authority. Here writer chooses three top banks of Bangladesh which are "AB Bank Limited, Al Arafah Islamic Bank Limited, and Prime Bank Limited. - all three are progressing in the banking world of Bangladesh. They play a large contribution to the field of Bangladesh's economy. So, all of the banks not only provide the services but so provide continuous research of services to make customers more satisfied. So, this report was completed for the BBA program as a requirement of completing this degree.
Here in the first chapter, contained the introductory part of the report which defines the introduction, Origin of the report, Objectives of the study, Scope, and Limitations. The second chapter contained a Literature review that explains the theoretical review of Human Resource practices. The third chapter explained the Human Resources Practices of AB Bank, Al Arafah Islamic Bank, and Prime Bank with the short company profile. The next chapter contained the findings and analysis part which is done through the responses of respondents to the survey. Then the following chapter suggestions and recommendations were added against the negative findings of those three banks separately. Lastly, the conclusion and bibliography were added to make it more valuable and authentic.
- HRM [139]