A project on Training and Development Practices in Banking Sector of Bangladesh
The report paper illustrate thatTraining&Development pratices in Bangladesh’s banking sectors.The report is guided to presuming that a clear idea of MTB &PBL training activites and their practices. However, to making the report is to scan the essential of choching practices in the banking sectors. Mainly the objective of this report is lead to all understanding of two bank’s training & development pratices. That report is mainly divided into six part. Main part depends on the presentation of the report,that is includes topices such as background, objectives, methodologies & limitation of the report.The second and nextlead to the companies short histroy and banking activities.After that is bascically the literature review part of the both bank. chapter five fininding &analysis the training parctices of the both bank. Lastly, the last Chapter indicates the recommandation and summarize the study with a concluation.
- HRM [139]