Project report on "Conflict between HR & Generation Z"
In Today's workplace, we can see that, there are multigenerational workforces. Those are identified by different mentalities, styles, priorities, work ethics, dissimilar values and many more. There are gloomy and confusing predictions of the difficulties the organizations are going to face because of the multigenerational workforce. The result shows age diversity is about how generational differences will impact the whole organization including from the core to top of the management.
The purpose of the research was to find the conflict between Generation Z with the HR Group. Organization requires balancing the work-environment to achieve the competitive advantage over other organizations. This research paper will help to enlighten all the factors that create conflict between generation Z and HR. To understand the actual fact of the current scenario, I had to look for some survey data and other research papers from various publications. I also believe that this paper will help to find out the problems with possible solutions in the future.
- HRM [139]