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dc.contributor.authorNath, Devabrata
dc.description.abstractIDLC Finance Limited is one of Bangladesh's newly reformed non- banking financial institutions. The parent company is IDLC Finance. It began operations in 1985. It offers a variety of products and services. I have completed my internship at IDLC Finance Limited, and my topic was "Training and Development practices at IDLC Finance Limited”. Human resource management is the most vital resource in any organization. HRM is required to gain an edge in the marketplace. "Training and Development" is the most essential in maximizing employees' performance levels. This report contains a summary of IDLC Limited's "Training and Development" practices. The first chapter provides the report context, report objective, motivation, scope, limitation, and methodology. The second chapter provides the company overview and history. The third chapter presents the literature review of Human Resource management. In chapter four, I go over the “Training and Development” related topics. In chapter five I discuss about my internship experience, including my task, position, responsibilities, skill, and knowledge. Lastly, in the final chapter, I provided a conclusion, an understanding, findings and recommendation to wrap up this report.en_US
dc.subjectTraining and Development, On the job training, off the job training, Training and Development processen_US
dc.titleTraining and Development practice at IDLC Finance Limiteden_US

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