Internship Report (BBA): Recent submissions
Now showing items 461-480 of 1378
Internship Report On General Banking in National Bank Limited (NBL)
(2021-11-24)I had the chance to work in the North Brook Hall Road Branch, Banglabazer branch of National Bank Ltd. as an intern. During the fair, I was able to take a definitive look at the several overall NBL banking activities. ... -
A Project Report on Challenges of Human Resource Management of Bangladesh during COVID-19
(UIU, 2021-12-05)In November 2019, the novel coronavirus which is occurred due to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS, COV-2) at first detected in the city of Wuhan, China. When Covid-19 struck Bangladesh, the immediate response was ... -
Role of auditing in enhancing ethical business practice in Bangladesh Case Study of Howladar Yunus & Co.
(2021-11-23)It is the accumulation of experience gained throughout the internship time that has resulted in the report titled "Role of auditing in improving ethical business practice in Bangladesh Case Study of Howladar Yunus & Co. ... -
Maintenance of Health, Hygiene and Safety Facilities at Babylon Group Limited
(United International University, 2021-11-23)Workforce development and proper utilization of manpower through human resource management is an important part of the company or industry that contributes to the key of business success. Therefore, the main objective of ... -
Impact of Cash Subsidy on the RMG Sector of Bangladesh
(2021-11-23)This internship report titled “Impact of Cash Subsidy on the RMG Sector of Bangladesh” is completed based on the experience gained through working as an intern for 3 months in Howlader Yunus & Co. Chartered Accountants. ... -
Internship Report On Impact of Job Satisfaction on Workers‟ Productivity -A study of SHAMS WASHING Ltd.
(2021-11-22)This report is prepared on the basis of my three-month sensible expertise at Shams Group (Shams Washing Ltd). This internship program helped me to learn about the practical scenario of a human resource of the industry. ... -
Online Banking System: A case study on Standard Bank Limited
(2021-11-23)This internship report is the prerequisite of BBA program which is designed in such way that requires a three months internship at the end of the program. Accordingly, this report is conducted on the internship experience ... -
Analysis of Non-Bank Financial Institution Industry in Bangladesh: An Internship Experience Perspective
(2021-11-24)This paper, titled " Analysis of Non-Bank Financial Institution Industry in Bangladesh: An Internship Experience Perspective", is based on the knowledge and experience gained during an internship with IDLC Finance Ltd.'s ... -
Service Management of A.H. Khan & Company as a 3rd Party Service Partner of Grameenphone Ltd. for SME Market
(2021-11-15)Mobile telecommunication companies are playing a key role for the communication in the present world. In the mobile telecommunication industry of Bangladesh, Grameenphone has become a leading company. Creating a superior ... -
Financing and Risk Management of NCC Bank Limited
(United International University, 2021-11-04)Bank is a customer-focused enterprise. It emphasizes its better services for life and prosperity due to its extensive networking and geographical region coverage. Private sector commercial banks are for-profit businesses ... -
Agent banking and It’s Prospects in Bangladesh- A Study of Janata Bank Limited
(2021-10-30)Agent banking basically give bank related services to the apart from ordinary bank branches beneath tenable agent contract by engaging agent. In 2013 agent banking was foremost served in Bangladesh-by-Bangladesh Bank. The ... -
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth: From the Empirical Perspective of Bangladesh
(United International University, 2021-10-23)The aim of the research paper is to examine the impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or economic growth in Bangladesh. Four other independent variables: Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, ... -
Furniture Business in Bangladesh: A hands-on practice through Shakil Furniture
(2021-10-23)The main objective behind preparing this report is to understand concerning the procedures of doing business with customers considering the marketing mix strategies of Shakil Furniture. There are a small scale to competitive ... -
The Islamic Banking Industry of Bangladesh & Social Islami Bank Limited and its general banking activities: An Internship Experience Perspective
(2021-10-20)An internship program is an important element of gaining real-world job experience. Better collaboration between theory and practice may be established to accomplish this program. A three- month internship at Social Islami ... -
HR Forecasting Process and Staffing Strategy of Bangladesh KRISHI Bank
(United International University, 2021-10-18). HR forecasting is all about predicting demand and supply, whether it's in terms of employee numbers, skills, or office space. On the other hand, an organization's recruitment and selection method is required in order to ... -
HR Practices of Pakiza Knit Composite Ltd.
(2021-10-17)This internship opportunity at Pakiza Knit Composite Ltd. has increased both my personal and academic knowledge. The project title of this internship report is, “The HR Practices of Pakiza Knit Composite Ltd.”. From my ... -
Non-Profitable Organizational Marketing: An NGO Perspective of Bangladesh
(2021-10-17)Bangladesh is known for having NGOs around the world. Nearly 2,501 NGOs are operating in Bangladesh. As far as NGOs are concerned, they do not need any fame to perform their tasks. In order to showcase all products, NGOs ... -
Performance Appraisal and its Effect on Employee Motivation of AB Bank Limited
(2021-10-16)In this report, Performance appraisal is monitored and an experiment has been done based on the overall appraisal system of AB Bank Limited. Also, a survey has been done about PA by taking the employee's opinion. In ... -
Automation on the Banking System by Ultimus Software: A case study of Meghna Bank”
(2021-10-16)In this report, there have described “Ultimus Software” and how the Meghna bank is benefiting from using this system software. Also, describe how the banking sector updating day by day by using automation on the banking ...