Internship report on Job analysis of SGS Bangladesh Ltd.
Here I have obtained knowledge on how Human Resource Management department collect information for the purpose of analyze specific position in the organization. SGS started their journey officially 1919, July 19 which is the world leading inspection, certification, testing company in Bangladesh.
The report consists of four chapters. First chapter, named Introduction is the discus-sion of the study that includes background, scope, objectives, methodology and limita-tions of the study. The second chapter is about the Organizational Overview which consists of a discussion based on SGS Bangladesh Limited. The third chapter is Anal-ysis and Findings chapter what discussed job analysis of SGS Bangladesh Limited.
The final fourth chapter is Recommendation and Conclusion, where I tried to provide some suggestion based on my theoretical learning for the betterment of the SGS Bang-ladesh Limited.
The entire report is about how SGS is doing their job analysis which is position analysis they called and how does it impact on different field of position. And also from this analysis describe the process how they recruited the right candidate for different field. There are also several outcomes from job analysis. Each of them is very important for SGS Bangladesh Limited.
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