Evaluation of Social Media Activities of some selected Retail Brands in Bangladesh
This report aims to take a deeper look into the retail industry, particularly that of Bangladesh. Rahimafrooz is one of the major and strongest interchange trades in Bangladesh which was created by Mr. Abdur Rahim in 1954. Agora is one of the chief and important domains of Rahimafrooz which is similarly the initial selling collection in Bangladesh. At existent it is allotting 22% share of the Bangladeshi selling business. It has 15 outlets in Dhaka and Chittagong in a whole.
Agora has come into this retail business as an innovator with excessive control, inventive plans. Meena bazaar and Shwapno charted a similar pathway and arrived into the business in 2002 and 2007. Though they were a dawn comer Shwapno has effectively owned 35% of the market portion in this trade business.
ACI group is also one of the largest corporations in the nation-state with businesses in medications, agriculture, consumer products, etc. Conversely, SHWAPNO is a business unit of ACI logistics. SHAWANO is the largest trading business in Bangladesh now allotting a segment of 35% of the marketing business. Inducted in 2008, SHWAPNO now has over 46 outlets and 1600 employees broaden across the whole country.
SHAWANO enjoys a superior sum of the market portion than its entrants, for example, Agora, Meena bazaar, Chaldal.com, etc. Agora and Meena Bazar has arrived in these trades earlier since of principle control and inventive approaches engaged by the corporation. Straight yet Meena Bazaar, Agora holds several more big rewards done, nobody of these businesses has been able to fight with the victory of SHWAPNO’s business model and market positioning. SHWAPNO’s short history is full of tests, feats, ups and downs and many more obstacles.
One of the advantages of Agora is the class section which essentially makes the source capable of better and healthier workings than other competitors. They maintain the quality of the product extremely.
However, Meena Bazar is a fit apparent and well-recognized trade superstore in Bangladesh with Global values. It was taking its action in 2002 and started running vents in Dhaka, Chittagong and Khulna partition while the process in Khulna detachment has newly been suspended. All Meena Bazar outlets hold nearly 6,000-8,000 goods to sell in retail. It delivers suitable duty involvement, outgoing buyer provision sideways, best quality products, and requirements intended for its regulars, etc. Meena Bazar is a supplementary unit of Gemcon Group. It also harvests natural crops, dairy items, ready foods, frozen foods & herbal products. Meena Bazar is the first retail supermarket in Bangladesh that introduced to its customers a website to buy things. It hurled the website in April 2012 and distributed it in Dhaka, Khulna, and Chittagong. They rooted this idea to brand a client’s lifetime calmer and better and more comfortable lifestyle. Meena Bazar keeps period and it is too actual suitable for clients as per individuals style and preference.
Meena Bazar not merely sells the crops to the clients, but they suggest the creation aids to them also. In edict to deliver the clients through the finest likely worth for their cash, Agora obtains the harvests straight after the growers, eliminating the traders, though certifying highest class, cleanness and constant accessibility of products. Meena Bazar is too identified as a single of the most reliable and honest diet dealers of the state. Meena Bazar is dedicated to transport the top accessible harvests to its clients and today Agora is growing extra to help Bangladeshi consumers to be improved and better. In 2002, Gemcon Group converted an initiate in the selling bazaar of Bangladesh by its great shop chains. Meena Bazar has converted a principal of superstore chain by its worth goods, facility and ground-breaking natural product and aids.
After comparing all the three retail industries, I have approached with answers and reference which reveals the part of development in their business as well as their social media marketing for Agora, Meena Bazar and Shwapno.
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