Now showing items 1-20 of 244

    • Accurately Predicting Microbial Phosphorylation Sites Using Evolutionary and Structural Features 

      Ahmed, Faisal (2022-11-11)
      Post-translational modification (PTM) is a biological process involving a protein’s enzymatic changes after its translation by the ribosome. Phosphorylation is one of the most critical PTMs that occurs when a phosphate ...
    • Active Learning for Mining Big Data 

      Jahan, Sadia (2019-09-22)
      Active learning also known as an optimal experimental design, is a process for building a classifier or learning model with less number of training instances in the semi-supervised setting. It's a well-known approach ...
    • Active Learning with Clustering for Mining Big Data 

      Ibrahim, Md.; Masud, Salman; Rabby, Reza E (2019-05-28)
      Big data mining is become a key research issue nowadays. It's costly and also time-consuming to extract knowledge from big data. Big data is so big, it contains millions of data points that's why it's very difficult to ...
    • Acute Surgical BD 

      Islam, Md. Kamrul; Shohan, S.M.; Faysul, Tanjimul; Rumel, Tareq Hassan (United International University, 2018-07-17)
      Electronic Commerce is system of doing business through Online. A person sitting on his chair in front of a computer can entrance all the facilities of the Internet to buy the products or sell the products. Unlike ...
    • An Adaptive Ensemble Classifier for Mining Concept-Drifting Data Streams 

      Rahman, Chowdhury Mofizur; Farid, Dewan Md; Zhang, Li; Hossain, Alamgir; Strachan, Rebecca; Sexton, Graham; Dahal, Keshav (Expert Systems with Applications, 2013-11-01)
      Traditional data mining techniques cannot be directly applied to the real-time data streaming environment. Existing mining classifiers therefore need to be updated frequently to adopt the changes in data streams. In this ...
    • An Adaptive Feature Selection Algorithm for Student Performance Prediction 

      Roy, Koushik (UIU, 2024-07-15)
      Educational Data Mining (EDM) is used to ameliorate the teaching and learning pro- cess by analyzing and classifying data that can be applied to predict the students’ academic performance, and students’ dropout rate, as ...
    • Adaptive Intrusion Detection based on Boosting and Naïve Bayesian Classifier 

      Rahman, Chowdhury Mofizur; Farid, Dewan Md; Rahman, Mohammad Zahidur (International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011-06-01)
      In this paper, we introduce a new learning algorithm for adaptive intrusion detection using boosting and naïve Bayesian classifier, which considers a series of classifiers and combines the votes of each individual classifier ...

      Faruk, Md. Omar (United International University, 2018-05-18)
      Technologies decreased our distance one to another. Before some years ago we saw message send and reached time. Today we can send a message with in second, of course we know many time need to reach. These contribution ...
    • Analysis of Gene Expression Data forGlioma Grade Classification andSurvival Time Prediction 

      Rahman, Muhammad Mokhlesur (2020-08-16)
      A glioma is a sort of tumor that begins in the glial cells of the brains or the spine. Gliomas contain around 30 percent of all brain tumors and focal sensory system tumors and 80 percent of all dangerous brain tumors. ...
    • Analysis of Tree in Computer-based Application 

      Sharif, Md. Kamal Ibne; Das, Abhijeet; Hyder, Nazmul; khan, Al Amin (United International University, 2018-10-24)
      The main target of our thesis “Analysis of Tree in Computer-based Application” was implemented some tree and some algorithm so that we can able to make some computer based applications. The applications will help you to ...
    • Anomaly Detection in Blockchain Transactions using Machine Learning with Explainability Analysis 

      Hasan, Mohammad (2024-03-23)
      In the era of growing cryptocurrency adoption, Blockchain has emerged as a leading player in the digital payment landscape. However, this widespread popularity also brings forth an array of security challenges, including ...
    • Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to Identify Recombination Spots 

      Ahmed, Sajid; Hassan, Mehedi; Ahmed, Bulbul; Ferdous, Jannatul (2019-09-24)
      Meiotic recombination is a mechanism by which a cell promotes correct segregation of homologous chromosomes and repair of DNA damages. But it does not occur randomly across the whole genome. Relatively high frequencies ...
    • Articulatory Feature Based Automatic Speech Recognition Using Neural Network 

      Ifrat, Kazi; Israt, Kazi; Saimun, Imran Hossain; Akter, Fahima (United International University, 2018-07-06)
      Many ASR systems based on hidden Markov model (HMM) have been developed over the last years. Most of these use mel frequency cepstral coefficient(MFCC) of the speech signal, that considers the time frequency distribution ...
    • Attacks classification in adaptive intrusion detection using decision tree 

      Rahman, Chowdhury Mofizur; Farid, Dewan Md; Harbi, Nouria; Bahri, Emna; Rahman, Mohammad Zahidur (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2010-03-22)
      Recently, information security has become a key issue in information technology as the number of computer security breaches are exposed to an increasing number of security threats. A variety of intrusion detection systems ...
    • Attendance System for Multi-Shift Manufacturing Industries 

      Azam, Mohammad Ali (United International University, 2017-12-18)
      HR departments of many manufacturing industries in Bangladesh are reluctant to prepare a roaster for daily laborers. Usually a manufacturing industry runs multiple shifts for workers. Workers’ attendances are captured ...
    • Author Identification from Song Lyrics 

      Ontika, Nazmun Nisat (United International University, 2019-03-04)
      Machine Learning (ML) tools have been used extensively in a wide variety of domains recently. Due the enormous amount of data being produced, machine learning techniques are being heavily used to make sense of data & ...
    • An Automated Intelligent E-learning Approach for Ensuring Learning Outcomes 

      Chowdury, Hossain Ashik Mahmud (2018-02-27)
      E-learning is an innovative and effective way to perceive knowledge in the modern world. The web-based interactive system has become one of the most common needs in our generation. Thus E-learning has achieved enormous ...
    • Automatic Issue Tracking & Release Management System 

      Yusuf, Akib (United International University, 2019-01-27)
      Any kind of organization especially software company requires an issue tracking system & delivery channel requires a release management or delivery management system. In the issue tracking system they put all their issues ...
    • B-SAHIC: A Blockchain based Secured and Automated Health Insurance Claim processing system 

      Khatun, Mahafuja (United International University, 2022-01-16)
      In recent years, Blockchain technology has been successfully used in many dis- tributed environments where different stakeholders, who do not have any trust relationship among them, interact each other in a secured and ...