Browsing Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) by Title
Now showing items 35-54 of 244
(United International University, 2017-12-29)The website CARECANCER.NET is to assist Cancer Patients/Caregivers of affected people to find it easy to know or view symptoms, care, treatment, medicine store, hospitals, and emergency contacts, as per their own requirements. ... -
CDIP Students Training & Performance Tracking System
(2019-01-28)Due to advancement of telecommunication and telephone industry, world has become more dependent on smart phones and user friendly ‘app’ based utilization. People are more inclined towards easily installable, adoptable, ... -
(2018-10-02)Alumni association of an institute plays an important role to engage university people. Alumni is the face of an institute. They are often called university ambassadors. Alumni associations are often formed with universities ... -
Classification by Clustering (CbC): An Approach of Classifying Big Data based on Similarities
(2019-01-30)Data classification in supervised learning is the process of classifying data for data mining task that helps to analyses data for decision making. The objective of a classification model is to correctly predict the ... -
Cluster-Based Under-Sampling with Random Forest for Multi-Class Imbalanced Classification
(2018-02-19)Multi-class imbalanced classification has emerged as a very challenging re- search area in machine learning for data mining applications. It occurs when the number of training instances representing majority class instances ... -
A Clustered Small Community Based Novel Electricity Trade Model for Consumers
(UIU, 2024-07-01)The economic development of Bangladesh is increasing day by day where electricity plays as a vital infrastructural input for economic development. In modern life, electricity is the flexible form of energy and also part ... -
Comparative Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems and Machine Learning Based Model Analysis Through Decision Tree
(MSCSE Program, United International University, 2023-12-20) -
A Comparative Analysis of Sorting Algorithms with focus on Merge Sort
(United International University, 2018-03-09)In our thesis work, we try to find out the efficiency of several sorting algorithms and generate a comparative report according to performance, based on experimental data size and data order for all algorithm. To do this ... -
Contextual Gamification Platform based Big5 Personality Trait and Preference Selection for User Recommendation
(UIU, 2024-01-17)The emergence of social networks has led to the development of many methods to evaluate people’s personalities based on their language usage and social interactions. Additionally, performance in numerous downstream tasks ... -
Control Strategy and Payment System for Department of Textile
(United International University, 2018-08-28)To develop online one click registration & other services delivery by Department of Textiles by developing an e-center network using ICT for Department of Textiles to diminish their service seekers harassment and ... -
Convolutional Neural Networks with Image Representation of Amino Acid Sequences for Protein Function Prediction
(2021-12)Proteins are one of the most important molecules that govern the cellular processes in organisms. Various functions of the proteins are of paramount importance to understand the basics of life. Several supervised learning ... -
Correlation Based Feature Selection with Clustering for Multi-Class Classification Tasks
(2019-05-20)In recent times high dimensional data is increasing rapidly. Reduce the dimensionality has become popular by feature selection process. So many scientists prefer to use correlation base feature selection method for grouping ... -
Correlation-Based Feature Grouping with Decision Tree for Classifying High-Dimentional Imbalanced Data
(2018-08-28)Classifying high-dimensional imbalanced data is a big challenge in mining real-world big data. Existing algorithms are classifying the majority class instances and get the maximum classification accuracy and minority ... -
Creating A Customized Cybersecurity Lab Environment Using Hardware Virtualization and Containerization
(UIU, 2021-12-18)One of the primary topics to be concerned about in this digital era of the twenty-first century is cybersecurity. The fast advancement of technology, as well as the widespread availability of the Internet, has broadened ... -
Creating E-Market Place (
(United International University, 2018-05-22)Electronic Commerce(E-Commerce) is the process of buying and selling products and services, transferring the funds and data over the internet. This business transaction occurs either business to business or business to ... -
Customer Churn Analysis and Prediction
(United International University, 2022-02-03)One of the biggest data domain and most demanding use cases of recent time is Customer churn prediction. For a healthy and growing business churn prediction is an important indicator. This project aims to develop a ... -
Customer Churn Analysis Using Association Rule Mining and Decision Tree Classifiers
(2021-12)Customer churn is a prominent issue facing companies. Therefore, preventing customer churn and retaining and retaining customers has become an essential issue for business operations and development. This paper aims to ...