Internship Experience in Mutual Trust Bank Limited
Mutual Trust Bank Limited was established in Bangladesh on September 29, 1999 and was incorporated as a public limited company under “Company Act, 1994” by shares for carrying out all kinds of banking activities with Authorized Share Capital of BDT. 1,000,000,000 divided into 10,000,000 ordinary shares of BDT.100 each which is currently BDT. 10,000,000,000 divided into 1,000,000,000 ordinary shares of BDT 10 each. The bank started commencement of business from October 5, 1999 with the inauguration of the bank’s corporate office at the MTB center. A huge public response has enabled the bank to keep up the plan of expanding its network. It also constantly upgraded its standards and strives to meet client’s requirements.
Internship is an imperative part of BBA course. It is considered as an interface between academic knowledge and practical field. The primary goal of the internship curriculum is to provide an on the job exposure and a real life experience to the student and an opportunity for translation of theoretical conceptions in real life situation.
From the very beginning of my internship program, I engaged myself with the real, practical banking work. I started my work happily because the working environment in my branch was so good and friendly. Everyone was very cordial and helpful. I was assigned to the general banking division at Mutual Trust Bank Limited, Retail Finance Centre. During my internship period I have learnt lots of things which will help me to build my career.
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