General Banking Activities of Southeast Bank Limited
For every bank general banking area plays significant role. I have obtained knowledge on General Banking procedures by getting chance as an intern in SEBL. I have worked there for three months as a prerequisite of internship part of BBA program under the Department Of Business Administration of United International University. I have chosen the subject ‘General Banking Activities of SEBL’. SEBL intends to play a primary role in the financial activities of the country. Through adapted service, inventive practices, vibrant advance and well organized administration, it has made a distinct mark in the area of private banking division by now. General Banking is the main point of discussion in this report. General banking operation includes general accounts opening, requirements of opening accounts, schemes, rate of interest on deposit, cheque clearing and bills department sections, collection sections, local remittance department, customer service etc.
In chapter one, a brief introduction of this report is given. It includes Background of the report, Rational of the report, Scope of the report, Objective of the report and Methodology and Limitations of the report for this study.
Secondly, in chapter two I have discussed the methodology that was chosen for this study which includes data collection process and types of data collected.
Thirdly, in the organizational part covered the detailed information about the organization with its company profile, Corporate Vision and Mission, product & service and resources, SWOT Analysis for the organization, Operational activities of this organization etc.
In chapter four, some findings about SEBL are included along with the analysis of those findings using related table, chart and graph etc.
Finally, I have tried to give some suggestion to the base of my knowledge and experience which I have achieved during internship at SEBL Agargaon Branch Office, for further growth in General banking and convenience in General banking management and expansion of this Bank.
The whole system has been described elaborately keeping in mind the most important segments. While preparing the report I always tried my level best to make it authentic and at the same point easily understandable.
- General [1379]