Affluent HR Practices Followed And Implemented By Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited
The internship reportis a requirement of the BBA course in United International University . The primary goal of the reportis to provide the student an on-the-job exposure and an opportunity for translation of theoretical concepts to the real-business situations.As the requirement of BBA, I have prepared this report on “Affluent HR Practices Followed And Implemented By Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited”. The recruitment & selection process and the level of job satisfaction of employee are major area of HR has been interpreted in this topic.
First part of the report breifly describes about the “report” and its background, origine of the report, objective of the report. This part also describes about methodology of collecting data where the way of doing survey on employee is also included. There are some limitation that I have faced in time od preparing this report.
Second part of the report describes about company overview. This part discuss the history of BPBL,objective of the company, function of the company, product items. This part also describs operation area of BPBL and their contribution in the economy of Bangladesh.
Third part of the report is “Literature Review” which describes about introduction of paint and paint industry in Bangladesh. The most important part of the topic is recruitment & selection process and level of job satisfaction of employees which is also describtively discussed in this part.
In this report fourth and fifth part is the most important and crucial part. Fourth part describs about analysis and interpritation on recruitment & selection process and level of job satisfaction of employee of BPBL and fifth part describes about the findings of the study on the topic. Finally conclusion and recommendation are available in last part of the report.
- General [1385]