A Review of Tourism Policy and Performance: Bangladesh Perspective
The paper primarily emphasizes on the tourism policies and performances in the context of
Bangladesh. Bangladesh has been blessed with immense natural beauty, enriched heritage and a
glorious historical background for thousands of years. Tourism is, therefore, one of the flourishing
sectors in this country. The paper’s specific objectives include the following: to review the
institutions of tourism management, analyze the tourism policies, to assess the tourism
performance and prescribe some suggestions for overall improvement of the sector. The study has
been conducted on the basis of secondary data which have been obtained from difference articles
published in online journals, Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC), and many other websites.
The paper examines the tourism performance of Bangladesh on the basis of five key indicators.
The research findings established that, as the years passed from 2007 to 2017, the number of
international tourist arrival and tourism’s contribution in employment generation have decreased
in 2017 although those were maximum in 2011 and 2013, respectively. However, it has been found
in the study that the tourism’s contribution in overall GDP, average receipts per tourist arrival and
international tourism inbound receipts have increased to a great extent.
The paper discusses about few necessary recommendations which can be taken by both private
and public organizations associated with tourism to fill the existing gap in this sector. The
government, BPC and Ministry of Civil Aviation have an effective role to play in the policy
formulation and enhancement of the overall growth of the tourism industry. Therefore, the tourism
sector will have a positive impact on the growth and economic development of Bangladesh in
The study concludes that the tourism industry of Bangladesh has the potential to be one of the
prime sources of increased foreign currency and job opportunities. Thus, the paper reveals the
demand for the formulation of a valid set of tourism policies. It is essential to ensure proper
development of this sector as it has an increasing contribution in the national economy of the
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