Financial performance Analysis of Radiant Nutraceutical Ltd.
The internship report is a partial requirement for the Bachelor of Business Administration. As a part of
the internship program, I am prepared as requirement of the BBA program of United International
University. This focus on two month working experiences in Radiant Nutraceuticals limited, Dhaka. I
tried my best to provide a clear idea about their financial activities & performance evaluation. The
philosophy of Radiant Nutraceuticals (RNL) limited is to improve people's health and quality of life.
Obligations to ethical compliance and commitments to quality assurance blended with caring approach
to the customers and employees constitute the dynamics of RNL. The resultant effects are reflected in
the commendable efficiency of a highly motivated team of relatively younger executives, aiming at
soaring high in the sky that is what gives Radiant the confidence to look beyond the horizon. In this
report I also present the financial statement analysis of RNL and evaluate its overall performance
- Finance [265]