Voluntary Disclosure in Bangladesh
In my report evaluate the voluntary disclosure reporting in Bangladesh textile, Banking and Food companies. Now days it is one of the burning issue for any country. Bangladesh has 578 listed companies according to Dhaka stock exchange (2019). It is not possible to evaluate or data collect from every companies. I decided to collect 50 companies annual report from Dhaka stock exchange because there have rule to disclose the annual report.But in Bangladesh not all company follow this rules. Disappointed factors and in my research clearly saw it. I need to prepare a checklist for analysis the criteria of evaluating the annual report. Some journal and some author's work help me do it properly. Research of voluntary disclosure is old but in our country that can effect much in future stage. Because we know the how fast our internet and easily reach information like a rocket. Many information get from the Dhaka stock exchange website (2019).
- Accounting [252]