Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Practices of Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh
This paper has examined the acts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) by telecommunication industries in Bangladesh and to survey the need to enhance in CSR by such associations. The motivation behind the research is to watch the system of CSR areas and commitment to those zones by the telecommunication firms of Bangladesh. This research found that the commitment sum by telecommunication industries to CSR exercises is significant. According to the necessity of the report, I have chosen four best telecommunication industries of Bangladesh. By breaking down the accompanying organizations (Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi and Airtel), I got different data about the inclusion of corporate social duties by them. All the telecommunication organizations aside from Airtel have discovered generally dynamic in CSR exercises. Airtel has fewer commitments than other organizations do yet the contribution of Airtel in corporate social obligation can be convenient to build their reasonable worth. It appears from the investigation that the other three organizations have been seeking after CSR in various essential societal necessities including wellbeing, instruction, condition insurance, neediness easing, and sports. Government and large NGOs should push the telecommunication organizations to contribute their assets to areas of financial improvement plans. All the telecommunications enterprises of Bangladesh ought to do CSR practice everywhere throughout the nation to make a great picture in both inside and outside the national border.
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