Cash Subsidy on export goods of Jute in Bangladesh
Cash Subsidy audit has to be conducted by the external auditor according to the requirement of
Bangladesh Bank. Bangladesh Bank published Terms of Reference for auditors and it specifies what
would be the responsibility of the auditor to conduct this audit. Auditors have to follow the Foreign
Exchange (F/E) circulars published by Bangladesh Bank as guidelines to do this audit. There is also a
procedure for audit of cash incentive or subsidy which has no similarity with other audit procedures.
These circulars, Terms of Reference and the audit procedure should be trailed for the accomplishment of
this report. So the study would focus on how much cash subsidy offer by Bangladesh Government for
Jute Goods exporters. And also would find out how much cash subsidy offer by the Bangladesh Bank for
Jute Goods exports.
- Accounting [252]