Internship Report on Talent Recruitment and Selection of Bashundhara Group
The report is designed to fulfill the gap between the theoretical knowledge and practical life experience which is a part of the BBA internship program. This is basically designed to have practical knowledge while passing through the theoretical understanding. This report is divided into Seven Chapters. Chapter One is, ‘Introductory Part’ which includes an introduction, purpose of the report, and methodology of the report and limitations of the report. Chapter Two is on the ‘Literature review’ which describes the concept of talent recruitment and selection process including the types of the process, as well as the Researchers’ view on the topic. Chapter Three Focuses on the ‘Overview of Bashundhara group’. This part includes with a historical background of the company, mission, vision, and values of the company, Chairman’s message, organogram of the company, and also businesses of the organization. Chapter Four is based on the practical job experience of the internship program. Here, the job description and responsibilities are added with graphical presentation. Chapter Five is the Objective of this report. Here, the overall talent recruitment and selection process of Bashundhara group, sector-A is clearly illustrated along with an organogram of HR division, types of the employees and preliminary steps of recruitment as well as methods of talent recruitment and selection followed by them. Chapter Six describes some ‘Findings and analysis’ of the observation originated from the internship program and some questionnaires of the topic to the personnel. Besides that, the SWOT analysis and the benefits of the talent recruitment and selection process on the company are also expressed in this chapter. Chapter Seven is the ‘Concluding part’ which includes recommendations, and conclusion. In a nutshell, it can be said that this study finds a very promising and positive tone of growth for Bashundhara group. The Human Resource Division of the company is always focusing on continuous development which refers more competitive recruitment and selection process day by day and also prompts the expectation on that the proper talent recruitment and selection process will be completely established in the company for the successful manpower accumulation.
- General [1380]