Level of Customer Satisfaction at Dutch Bangla Bank Limited, DBBL
In Bangladesh Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited is one of the best commercial bank among all banks. in
Bangladesh it is very competitive for Banking industry and in the sector of industrial banking, the rivalry
is too high. In order to attract the customers most of the bank provides various range of services and
products in order to survive the rival world. Dutch Bangla Bank Limited began its journey on June 3,
1996 . M Sahabuddin Ahmed who is the founder chairman and Netherlands development finance
company made contribution to create the bank. DBBL constantly try to give clients great experience
about banking and for fulfill this purpose they provide everything the customers needs.DBBL give
importance on corporate social responsibility and they are very famous for corporate donors of
Bangladesh.It is a very vital challenge for attaining the vision of the organization and for fulfill this they
try their best to satisfy the client wants. In order to providing the best service quality all of the corporation
tries difficult heart and soul. Cause the corporations can easily attain to their aim quickly which can
satisfies theirclients. In order to make sure clients satisfaction each corporation use several tools for
example: suply products and surves timely, services and products offered which is qualityful, provide
sufficient information about the services and products, deal fairly with all the clients and there is no unfair
behavior. To measure customers‟ satisfaction level time to time, distinct strategies are applied for
example: on line survey, questionnaire survey, trend evaluation from company‟s income, face to face
interview, interview over telephone and many others. From the survey companies attempt is to find out
the offerings that fulfill clients and the things that increase dissatisfaction on clients mind and based on
the data they attempt to remover the lacking. In order to fulfill clients needs DBBL additionally uses
severel tools for example: offering large quantity of branches, easy transitions in ATM without any
problems for clients.
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