Performance Analysis of City Bank Limited
Internship program is the important part for the graduation in BBA. Only Classroom discussion cannot make a student perfect in dealing with the real business situation. Therefore it is an opportunity for the students to know about the real life situation through this program. By doing internship in city bank ltd I learned lot of things about corporate life and by doing a report on the topic of performance analysis of city bank limited I learned how a bank doings its business activities and how they earned profit. City Bank Limited is the oldest private business banks working in Bangladesh. The Bank has been working since 1983 with an approved capital of Tk. 1.75 Billion. Presently it is a best bank among the most established five Commercial Banks in Bangladesh.
The report is based on the performance analysis of city bank limited. By doing my report based on performance analysis of city bank helps me to recognize how a bank makes higher profit and which element is important for bank to make the business profit able. The core purpose of the Report becomes very clear from the topic of the report. The report is broadly categorized by different part. In the first part of report I discussed about the introduction. Introduction part is all covered about the history of bank the purpose of topic the objective the mythology and limitation. The chapter two is about background of bank. It is all about the business activities of city bank. After that I covered what earned from my 3 months internship activity. The chapter four is all about the theory part of the performance analysis. What is ROA interest income and what total asset, asset management is and operational analysis all is discussed in there. And the final part is how I analysis bank performance. In there I use regression model to evaluate bank performance. Here I used some independent and dependent variables to analysis. ROA and interest income is dependent variables and total asset, asset management and operational efficiency are independent variables. By using regression analysis I can easily identify which independent variable create positively effect on ROA and interest income. By regression analysis I find out that using total asset, asset management and operational efficiency, city bank ROA increase better than interest income and create positive result than interest income. Lastly I discussed about what elements is profitable for bank and what element is not good. And give overall conclusion about bank performance.
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