Analysis of Banking Industry & Janata Bank Limited: An Internship Report
This report starts with the analysis of the banking industry of Bangladesh. Then the analysis of
the organization which is Janata Bank Limited and finally my internship experience and learning
also include in the report. The analysis of the banking industry starts with specification of the
industry where the types of banks also included. Then the history, size and maturity of the
banking industry of Bangladesh also comprise. Then external economic factors and porter’s five
forces also discussed in this report to understand the competitive intensity and the attractiveness
of the industry. Then the part of analysis of the organization starts with overview and history of
Janata Bank Limited. Then trend and growth of Janta Bank discuss through the figures of
deposit, net profit after tax, and earnings per share scenario. Janata banks product, customer mix
and operation also include in the report. After doing SWOT analysis of Janata bank I find that
their main strength is there large customer base, weakness in lack of technological resources,
opportunity is more experienced and managerial know how, and the threat is newly developed
privatized and foreign banks. Mostly in my internship period I work in general banking area
there I learn the term, policies and procedures of banking site. I gathered knowledge about
communication, interpersonal skills, teamwork and real world experience. From this real job
experience I also find way to improve my self-performances. After that with a relevant
conclusion this report becomes completed.
- General [1385]