Loan management of CBL
The report is begun with my internship program which I have done as a prerequisite of BBA program .This report is finished in light of my three months entry level position in The City Bank Limited. This is an introduction report that contains the genuine everyday working knowledge of various errands in CBL, Urdu Road Branch.
The goal of this investigation is to break down the loan administration and credit strategy of CBL, money related execution in regards to credit and so on. To set up this report both essential and optional wellsprings of information have been utilized.
At first, we have the initial part, which have outline about credit administration and CBL. Than we have the data and experience that I got from my 3 months as an intern. Also, toward the end we have the Findings, Analysis, Recommendation and Conclusion.
CBL is one of the main private banks in Bangladesh. To serve the country CBL plays out a few exercises for their customers like general keeping money, advance and propel capital market activity and so on. Bank gathers money from account deposit and gives it to different business or individual as loan. Bank pays interest to store holder and take interest from borrowers. CBL measure all hazard segments before endorsing a credit. At the point when every one of the customs finished then individual officer disburse the credit. After disbursement the credit it is obligation of bank to recuperate the disbursed loan. This report depends on genuine data and working system rehearsed in CBL. The general loan administration of CBL has examined to give a spotless thought regarding the credit item, the strategy of CBL and usage of that approach by different component and process.
- General [1385]