Analysis of Customer Satisfaction on Loan Products of Jamuna Bank Limited
This report is based on the Customer Satisfaction on Loan Products of Jamuna Bank Limited. The fundamental goal of the study is to get learning about customer satisfaction of Jamuna Bank and furthermore picking up black and white experience of corporate life and view the use of theoretical knowledge in the real world. In this report, there is a starting part which was created for the correct execution of the whole report. The organization profile incorporates mission, vision, administration, focal point of the Association, SWOT analysis. I have fundamentally examined retail banking, In addition, I took interview of a few clients to think about their fulfillment level on loan items. While preparing this report, I have used both qualitative and quantitative methods. Most of the information of the report has been collected from primary sources and also some information has been collected from secondary sources. By using data I have evaluated financial performance of the organization. While working, I have found some positive and negative perspectives. Based on those discoveries and from the investigation and perception, a few proposals have been figured keeping in mind the end goal to enhance the service quality and to smooth the task of saving money of Jamuna Bank Limited. That is, most recent improvement in the business ought to be presented appropriately. Once more, since the entire procedure is to a great extent subject to human ability, legitimately arranged preparing project ought to be orchestrated and executed for the change of specialized and reasonable aptitudes of the managing officers. Up until now, from this report one might say that it is the pioneer among all the nearby banks in Bangladesh. If Jamuna Bank guarantees the better services to the people of Bangladesh by satisfying them, they will also be able to contribute to the economic development of Bangladesh.
- Marketing [303]