The assessment of Employee Job Satisfaction: A Study of Quantanite Banglades
The report “The assessment of Employee Job Satisfaction: A Study of Quantanite Bangladesh” presents a comprehensive analysis of employee satisfaction at Quantanite Bangladesh, a business process outsourcing (BPO) company. This presentation summarizes a three-month Internship Program, completed as part of the academic requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. This report is structured into five key sections. Introduction is first section of them, which covers the origin and also studies scope, outlines both the primary and secondary objectives, and discusses the methodology employed along with the limitations encountered during the study. The second section focuses on the Organization, providing an overview of Quantanite Bangladesh. In this part, I present details such as the profile of the company, background, services offered, units of business, and the organizational structure of Quantanite Bangladesh.The third section addresses Job Satisfaction and includes a brief overview of the concept, along with theories those are relevant for the study. It also explores various aspects of job satisfaction, factors influencing employee satisfaction, methods for enhancing satisfaction levels, and the importance of measuring employee satisfaction within the organization. The Findings and Analysis section is the fourth part, where I present insights into the current satisfaction levels of employees. Primary data, gathered through questionnaires and in-depth interviews completed by 30 executives, forms the basis of this analysis. The survey focused on areas such as salary, fringe benefits, recruitment and selection processes, promotion opportunities, work environment, job responsibilities, job security, and training and development. The final section, Recommendations, is the fifth and most crucial part of the report. It includes a detailed analysis of the primary data, along with interpretations based on the findings. In this section, I propose several recommendations aimed at enhancing employee satisfaction at Quantanite Bangladesh, all of which are grounded in the results of the research.
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