Portfolio Management Strategies of IDLC Investments Limited
Merchant Banking is one of the vital capital market activities that were provide by IDLC finance limited. IDLC is the first financial institution that got license for merchant bank activities in January 1998.They started their Merchant bank operation in 1999.Under the merchant wing the service such as issue management, portfolio management and corporate advisory service are provided. During 2010 BSEC came up with the law which required all the financial institutions to make the merchant banking operation separate. As per requirement of the Bangladesh securities & Exchange Commission (BSEC), IDLC formed a separate subsidiary on May 19, 2010 in the name of “IDLC Investments Limited”, in order to transfer its existing merchant banking activities to the newly formed entity. IDLC applied to BSEC to transfer the existing merchant banking license of IDLC finance limited to IDLC Investments Limited. Accordingly, IDLC Investments Limited has started its operation from August 16, 2011 to offer merchant banking service to both our individual and institutional clients. Lastly this report contains of investments, Job description, analysis and finding, detailed study on the portfolio management strategies of IDLC Investments Limited.
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