General Banking Operation of Union Bank Limited PLC
My three months of practical training at Union Bank Limited served as the foundation for my study. Thanks to the internship program, I have learned plenty about the actual circumstances of a financial institution. A nation's banking system is an important factor in its economic development. Working as an intern at one of Bangladesh's top Islamic Shahriah Commercial banks was a great opportunity.
Union Bank is a newly founded, fully operational commercial bank in Bangladesh's private sector that operates on Islamic Shariah. The Bank was created as a result of the Bangladeshi government's further liberalization of economic policies, which increased competition in the banking sector. With an authorized capital of 10,000 million BDT and paid-up capital of 4,280 million BDT, Union Bank was founded on April 1st, 2013.
With an established system of 114 branches and 58 sub branch’s locations across Bangladesh, Union Bank Limited has been a prominent 4th generation private commercial bank that offers honest and customized banking services to its clients in a pleasant innovative setting. Many services and functional operations for people, companies, corporations, and other international organizations are among the Bank's functions.
In this report, I have provided Union Bank Limited's (UBL) complete GB business profile, including its aims, mission, and vision. The segments and department operations of UBL's departments are also presented. Next, a graphical representation of the organizational structure, all of UBL's organizational strategies, provided goods, and CSR initiatives are presented.
Next, I've discussed my internship experience, detailing the roles and responsibilities of each department I worked in as well as my job tasks and obligations. Next, I described an organizational scenario in which UBL encountered a few difficulties and provided a detailed explanation of the solutions put in place during the internship program. Nonetheless, more observations and findings are mentioned, and a brief explanation of the suggestions follows.
- General [1403]