Internship Report on “Analysis on Real Estates of Starpath Holdings Ltd.”
The real estate sector is one of the important sectors for economic development in
our country. As Bangladesh is one of the over populated countries in the world, so
Bangladesh is needed abundant houses for the people. The population of
Bangladesh is divided into the middle income groups and the low income groups.
Building houses for all of the people is very difficult. The Real Estate companies of
Bangladesh are making buildings, houses, apartments regularly for the
accommodation of the people.
Starpath Holdings Ltd. was established 10 years ago with business relating to Real
Estates and construction. Currently Starpath Holdings Ltd. is one of the pioneering
Real Estate companies in Bangladesh. I got the opportunity to do internship for 3
months in Starpath Holdings Ltd. In this extensive report, I have properly discussed
about the real estate business of Starpath Holdings Ltd. After doing analysis from the
websites and obtaining experience through 3 months‟ internship in the company, I
have able to identify the internal and external issues of the company.
However, the insufficient financial availability must need to avoid for organic
development of the industry and broader scopes need to be established for the Non Residents of Bangladesh. With many technical issues, this internship report identifies
the current business situation of Starpath Holdings Ltd. The report represents the
insights of the technical and critical factors of Starpath Holdings Ltd, and
recommends some ethical issues which are very much helpful for the organization
and also for the industry
- General [1403]