Internship Report on “General Banking of Al- ArafahIslami Bank Ltd.”
The financial institution provides diverse channels and frameworks to distribute resources to individuals with excess income also enabling them to use these funds for increasing productive capital. Clients get benefitted from the bank's commitment to ensuring the safety, liquidity, and profitability of their savings management.
Officially recognized by the Bangladesh Bank as a scheduled commercial bank, Al-ArafahIslami Bank Limited offers various banking services and operational functions like corporations, individuals, businesses, and international entities. The primary aim of the study is to provide an overview of AIBL, emphasizing its strengths, key risk factors, and vulnerabilities also.
The research based on both primary and secondary data collection methods. Face-to-face interviews with relevant branch officers contributed to primary data, on the contrary secondary data was sourced from various publications and relevant sources. The study's main limitations were its constrained time frame and a lack of enough verified data.
While bank officers were generally able, many exhibited proficiency in operational aspects without a deep understanding of underlying principles. The study underscored the significance of aligning committed employers, technology, and market opportunities to achieve organizational goals. Success in banking, the study concludes, requires the establishment and adherence to comprehensive policies, methods, and techniques for evaluating asset quality and the adequacy of loan offers.
- Accounting [252]