Project Report on Customer Satisfaction Factors in the Telecommunication Industry of Bangladesh
In Bangladesh , the telecommunication sector has only recently begun to develop. The mobile
telecommunication service has been doubling over the last few years.Now there are 5 telecom
industries running in our country. These are Grameenphone , Robi , teletalk , Banglalink and
Airtel. These five mobile operators are competing with each other. The goal of this report is to
find what are the satisfaction factors that are affecting the customers. Customer care service is a
big part for customer satisfaction. The more telecom companies focus on the factors of customer
satisfaction , the more they become successful. I have done five chapters in this report . The first
chapter is introduction , the second chapter is methodology , the third chapter is literature review
,the fourth chapter is data analysis and findings and the fifth chapter is conclusion and
recommendations. In first chapter , I have introduced the topic ,defined the topic and talked
about the objectives of the telecom industry.In the second chapter , I have written types of
research design , statement , data collection method , questionnaire design , data analysis and
reporting and limitation of the report.In third chapter , I have explained all the five companies
which are Grameenphone , Banglalink ,Robi ,Teletalk and Airtel. And I have also explained
briefly about customer satisfaction factors in chapter three .In fourth chapter. I have written about
the findings.In the fifth chapter , I have written about conclusions and recommendations. If the
telecom industry would pay attention to those satisfaction factors , they can have a very lucrative
business. The ulterior motive of this report is to show what are customer satisfaction factors and
analyze the survey.In this report , I have discussed many important topics.
- Marketing [303]