Internship Report on “The City Bank Limited”
This study aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of City Bank Limited's (CBL) performance in its financial operations as well as my internship experience while working at the CBL. The CBL is acknowledged as one of the most influential banking financial institutions. While I was a member of this organization as an intern, I got chance to know a brief idea about this organization. This internship has had a significant impact on my future career plans, which have been significantly modified as a direct consequence. It compelled me to spend a great deal of time contemplating the numerous possible courses of action.
This report has seven sections. The seven sections of this study are as follows. The first section includes an introduction about the CBL and the second section shows an overview of the CBL. The third section provides an analysis of the CBL's ratios. One of the most popular methods for determining how well a bank is doing is ratio analysis. The fourth section of this report discusses my work, responsibilities and experiences at the CBL. And the remaining sections contain some findings, a conclusion and several recommendations.
- General [1403]