INTERNSHIP REPORT ON Retirement Policies “USA VS Bangladesh”
This report explains diverse parts of Retirement plan process in USA and Bangladesh. And by making a comparative study I tried to figure out how effective and well regulated the USA Retirement Industry is and how much behind, unstructured we are in Bangladesh in this Retirement Plan sector.
At first the report describes about the USA Retirement method. There are some particular highlights of US retirement policy for which are so much mainstream and broadly utilized by both government and non-government association even in case of sole-proprietorship. The Governmental rules and regulations make saving polices very much. People in USA eagerly save their money and invest those money to stock market .Now there are more than 3000 Company in USA who work for establish a proper retirement plan .And government is providing education for these company’s employee so they can be expert on to make retirement plan design
Then in second part I tried to describes about Bangladesh retirement Polices. Here only Governmental jobs have organized retirement polices but in private sector which are unorganized and fully unstructured. No proper guidelines for the retirement benefits like Gratuity, Benevolent Fund, Government accommodation, group insurance etc.
And in last enlighten in USA and Bangladesh retirement policy differs in some important points. The government rules, people’s right, contribution to the economy, dependency, benefit amount etc. also differs. And I made few recommendations like government should concerned and sincere about protecting the right of the retired people. It is possible to build a great industry through provident fund in Bangladesh. This will report help to know more details about possibilities.
- General [1300]