Training and Development Process of Energypac Engineering Company Limited
Talented employees are one of the most important resources for any company. Whether a company will sustain long-term success that depends on the skills, knowledge, efficiency, and productivity of its employees. Thus, companies need to provide Training and Development (T&D) to the employees to improve their job-related competencies. The main objective of this report is to analyze the training and development process of Energypac Engineering Limited Company (EEL). The report also intended to evaluate the different applications of On-the-Job and Off-the-Job training used by EEL and their outcomes after the training session. It is one of the renowned electrical engineering solution providers in Bangladesh originated in 1982.
EEL provides electrical solutions in the form of products and services to homes, businesses, and industrial clients. Their transformers are used in different top projects in Bangladesh. They export their products to 15 different countries with the vision of becoming a top performing multinational company. To better understand training and development, a theoretical framework has been conducted where the concept of T&D, differences between training and development, advantages, and the process of T&D have been discussed.
The training process of EEL starts with analyzing the training needs based on analyzing the organization, person, and task. These analyses tell the company which training will support its objective, who needs training, suitable training methods, etc. EEL uses different On-the-Job training methods (cross-training, coaching, job rotation) and Off-the-Job methods (lectures, audiovisual/presentation, simulation, a combination of team training with case studies, local and international seminars, and psychological and mental health training). To evaluate the training programs, they measure the training outcomes (Reaction, Learning, Behavior, results) by using surveys, written tests, interviews, and collecting data during and at the end of training programs. After that, a SWOT analysis has been conducted to find the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the T&D program of EEL.
SWOT analysis ensures that although EEL is very willing to invest in training programs, but they are not focused on career development programs. Thus, they may not get future leaders for their company. Again, they mostly used traditional training methods, but in this modern time, they should introduce different modern and E-Training methods like virtual classrooms, micro-learning, web eLearning, etc. to get better outcomes. Lastly, this report along with my internship experience has helped me to make an alignment between my theoretical knowledge and practical experiences.
- General [1403]