Evaluation of General Banking Activities of First Security Islami Bank Ltd. (Banani Branch)
The prime objective of this report is to evaluate the general banking activities of FSIBL
as well as to analyse customer satisfaction of the said bank in the general banking sector.
For preparing the report, this study needed to collect some resources or data. So, for the
sake of analysis, both Primary & Secondary data were collected for the study from the
relevant sources.
The internship report consists of seven chapters in total. The First chapter is all about
Introduction. In the introductory part, the report has incorporated a discussion about the
introduction of the study, the purpose or objective of the study & the sources of data
which are required to prepare an effective report. Then the Second chapter has been
inserted to the report. In the second chapter, the background of FSIBL; Mission &
vision of this Bank, Strategic objectives, Goals & various departments of FSIBL have
been discussed. After that, the Third chapter. In this chapter, there has been a
discussion about the General banking segment of FSIBL. That means, various functions
of FSIBL includes, Account opening & closing, Issuing of Cheque, Cheque clearing,
Cash section, Online banking as well as SMS banking & ATM banking.
Then the paper is followed by the Fourth chapter which entails description of various
products & services offered by FSIBL. Then, comes to the Fifth chapter. The fifth
chapter includes my overall internship experience at FSIBL. In the Sixth chapter the
paper has incorporated the SWOT analysis of FSIBL. Lastly, the Seventh chapter of
the study contains Customer Satisfaction Analysis of FSIBL. Customer satisfaction
analysis means how much customers are satisfied with the overall customer service of
FSIBL. After that, recommendations as well as conclusions were inserted into the report
to guide the FSIBL’s future which were drawn from the analysis of the whole study.
The prime findings of the study of FSIBL are that FSIBL’s online Banking service isn’t
too much faster as expected by the customers. Sometimes, it takes a little bit more time,
especially in the case of online banking operation. Hence, skilled manpower or efficient
human resource or automation can be deployed into the relevant places to ensure very
fast online banking services along with proper promotional activities.
- General [1378]