Comparative Analysis of Performance Appraisal System of BRAC Bank Ltd. & Bank Asia Ltd.
The Bank Asia Ltd. and The BRAC Bank Ltd. are the fruitful running managing an account association in Bangladesh, effectually running few informal breakfasts and corporate workplaces in the nation, making work put for countless. Both of the associations keep up a standard and worker amicable culture which yields a low turnover rate and holds exceptionally energetic representatives. The BRAC Bank Ltd. and The Bank Asia Ltd. have a currently taking an interest HR office which persistently chips away at representatives execution, representatives development and inspiration every single other worker arranged works. Both of the associations persuades its representatives to give their best execution and gives all other supporting exercises to develop a superior work constrain which incorporates contributions workers to take an interest in various preparing and improvement programs. The BRAC Bank Ltd. and The Bank Asia Ltd. take after a particular execution examination to help HR methodology. The Performance Appraisal System in both of the banks are run for the most part for the administration representatives and is yearly robotized framework. The whole execution examination framework has been investigated and broke down in the report utilizing the sources like the Banks site and help by couple of workers of the human asset division of the associations. The framework has been assessed based on course learning and thoughts from the web.
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