Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction at the Dhaka Bank Limited: An Analysis
The aim of this report is to analyze the service quality and customer satisfaction of Dhaka Bank Limited. Service quality measures how well a company meets consumer expectations in terms of the services it provides. Customer satisfaction is measured in terms of how pleased customers are with an organization’s products, services, and abilities. The report has been carefully prepared using the knowledge from the internship experience at the Kalatia Branch of Dhaka Bank Limited on service quality and customer satisfaction. To measure the level of service quality, a structured questionnaire was used that contains five service quality dimensions including service reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible.
At the beginning of the report, an overview of the company including its mission, vision, goals, and other important information are placed. Then service is defined in detail. Then the emphasis is given to factors influencing service quality. There are 5 dimensions of service- reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible. If reliability cannot be maintained in the bank, clients will switch to another bank. To build confidence and trust in the mind of the client assurance is an important factor. Responsive entails resolving clients’ issues as quickly as possible. Empathy boosts clients’ loyalty while also earning the client's trust and confidence. For service delivery companies, tangibles are especially crucial since they play a key role in creating strong, motivating, and good consumer associations and experiences through their proprietary assets. All these influence the service quality and if these factors perfectly work then they increase the customers’ satisfaction. After that, this report highlights the importance of the service recovery strategy. The size, trend, maturity, growth of the Industry, and the role of the banking sector towards to our economy are given then. In addition, DBL’s SWOT analysis is given then. Subsequently, some strategies are identified to meet the challenges and opportunities.
This study included data from both employees and clients to evaluate the performance of Dhaka Bank Limited in terms of service quality. Results show that among the service reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible variables, empathy is mostly practices followed by tangibles. Based on the results, this report provides some discussion and recommendations for Dhaka Bank Limited.
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