Activities of Financial Analysis in Emerging Credit Rating Limited
Emerging credit Rating limited they started their journey from 2009.Around 12 or 13 years they have experience on rating industry. I completed my internship from ECR. That was three month internship in finance department. This report based on my three month practical experience whatever I earn or observed from emerging credit rating limited. Here in this report I will discuss any three month ECRL I worked in finance department. If I more specifically say I worked with the finance analysis team. Emerging Credit Rating Limited has four branches in our country. Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajashahi, Khulna. Their head branch at baridara Dhaka.their total employee more than two hundred employee. Maximum number of employee works in their head office.Basically they are rating the business. Now the question is how they are rating? Answer is when any business need to rating their business they send their all necessary document to the ECRL .financial analysis team they are look after that’s all document .they analysis every document, like, their trade license, tin number, current financial situation of their business, their business size, number of employee .those things they are observed. After this observation analysis team they are given the rating to the business. When any bank see that rating then bank easily gives the loan to the businessmen. ECRL give the rating to the specific business then they take some fee from the business.
Emerging credit rating limited their market demand increasing day by day. They are getting more tasks from previous. For some reasons ECRL demand is increasing, like they provide accurate rating to the customer. Their cost or fee is low then other rating company. On the other thing is that, when the banker sees rating from ECRL bank easily believe that rating .Because they have a good name in the market. I hope so in near future emerging credit rating limited will increase their market demand to the customer.
- Finance [265]