“Credit Operations system & Retail banking of Trust Bank Limited”
Trust Bank Limited plays a vital role in the socioeconomic development of our country by satisfying the demand and improving the banking service in our country. This report has been prepared based on my 3 months internship at TBL which I have done as a requirement of my BBA program. Both primary and secondary sources of data have been used to prepare this report. The report is mainly concentrated on Loans and Advances and consumer loans of TBL. At first, a brief organizational overview is given to know about the bank. Then, the overall credit department, credit policies, and credit approval process of the bank is given. Also, consumer loans demographic factors, time series analysis of consumer loan is covered. Lastly, after analyzing all the data, a list of findings is stated which might helpful to identify the challenges, reduce disadvantages and improve the performance of the bank.
- Finance [265]